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Currently, there is no legislation for access to information held by the government. There exists a non-statutory Code on Access to Information which, inter alia, defines the scope of information that will be provided, sets out how the information will be made available and lays down the relevant procedures. There have been calls for providing the community with a statutory right to be well informed about the government, the services it provides and the basis for policies and decisions that affect individuals and the community as a whole.

In May 2013, a sub-committee was formed to conduct detailed reviews of the local situation and comprehensive comparative studies of the relevant laws in overseas jurisdictions, with a view to making appropriate recommendations on possible options for reform where appropriate.

The Sub-committee has been reviewing the experience in other jurisdictions and relevant literature on the issue including the report issued in March 2014 by the Ombudsman.

The members of the Access to Information Sub-committee (in alphabetical order of surnames) are:

Mr Brian Gilchrist, Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher (Chairman)
Mr Jonathan Chang, SC, Barrister
Dr Andy Chiu, Tony Yen Chair Professor of Law, Law School of Beijing Normal University
Mr José-Antonio Maurellet, SC, Barrister
Mrs Millie Ng Kiang Mei-nei, JP, Director of Administration, Chief Secretary for Administration's Office
Mr Sy Kim-cheung, Raymond, JP, Deputy Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs (1), Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau

The Sub-committee's secretary is Mr Dennis Ng, Government Counsel.

The Sub-committee published a consultation paper in December 2018 to invite public views on whether reform of the current access to information regime is needed; and if so, what kind of reform is to be preferred.