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With the rapid developments associated with information technology, the computer and the Internet, as well as the potential for them to be exploited for carrying out criminal activities, a sub-committee commenced its study on the topic of cybercrime in January 2019. In the course of its study, the Sub-committee will identify the challenges arising from such rapid developments, review existing legislation and other relevant measures, examine relevant developments in other jurisdictions and recommend possible law reforms (if any).

The members of the Sub-committee on Cybercrime (in alphabetical order of surnames) are:

Mr Derek Chan, SC, Barrister (Chairman)
Ms Cheung Pui Shan, Sandy, Principal Assistant Secretary, Security Bureau
Professor K P Chow, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong
Mr Ho Ying Foo, Francis, Deputy Chief Executive, Consumer Council
Dr Michael Kwan, Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific Internet Centre
Mr Lam Cheuk Ho, Raymond, Chief Superintendent, Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau, Hong Kong Police Force
Mr Leung Yuk Hang, Gary, Senior Public Prosecutor, Department of Justice
Ms Tam Pui Ying, Peggy, Group Head (Intellectual Property Investigation (Operations)), Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department.
Mr Tang Tze Yeung, Eric, Partner, Tang & Ku

Miss Wong Pui Kei, Maggie, SC, Barrister

Ms Wong Wing Hang, Charlotte, Chief Information Officer, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Mr Yip Yuk Fai, Lento, Chairman, Hong Kong Internet Service Providers Association

The Sub-committee’s secretary is Mr Terence Lee, Senior Government Counsel.

The Sub-committee published a consultation paper in July 2022, making preliminary law reform proposals on cyber-dependent crimes and the related jurisdictional issues.